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ScreenEvaluate Hire

Your team’s productivity & performance matters.

— We make sure you stay on top of the game by discovering talent that truly fits your culture, beyond the resumes.

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Current Problem

Problem with Traditional Hiring process

Hiring true talent shouldn’t feel like a guessing game. Yet, enterprise hiring teams deal with it.


only AI-powered hiring solution that—

provides you complete, integrated end-to-end hiring ecosystem that enables you to hire the MOST IDEAL candidate, with drastic reductions in hiring times and costs.

Goodbye— expensive licenses, clumsy third party integrations and lengthy hiring cycles.

Why juggle multiple tools when psyHire Recruit does it all? ;)

Resume screening

In-depth resume parsing and match scoring ensures only most relevant candidates are shortlisted based on skills rather than keywords.​

Industry leading hiring solutions

Hiring transformed

 for global acquisition leaders


Recruiting that delivers results.Every time.underline


Resumes screened across globe


Psychometric assessments delivered

< 3 Weeks

-Average candidate hiring velocity


Clients across the globe from diverse domains


Languages Versions Available, English & Arabic


-happy hiring teams and growing!

Industry recognitions

Hysea Icon
Nelson Icon
Summit Icon
Awards Icon

Getting the right hire is this simple.


Deep screen your talent pool with holistic 360° profiling that assesses candidates in-depth


Interview. Assess. Shortlist. candidates using data-driven metrics and evaluation tools


Hire only the best talent that meets your technical & cultural fit

Your talent pool (100%)

Filtered candidates

Tried and Trusted byunderlineleading teams at


Why settle for outdated hiring methods?

Reduce hiring costs and avoid bad hires.

Faster screening, automated assessments, and AI-driven shortlisting mean you send only the best candidates to clients—reducing hiring costs and wasted effort.

Reduce hiring costs and avoid bad hires.

Find top talent others miss—go beyond surface-level screening.

Resumes can be misleading. psyHire’s deep screening, coding challenges, and behavioral insights help you uncover truly skilled candidates—not just good interviewers.

Find top talent others miss—go beyond surface-level screening.

Deliver candidates who stay and succeed.

A great hire isn’t just about skills—it’s about long-term impact. Ensure your clients get pre-vetted, retention-ready professionals who contribute from day one.

Deliver candidates who stay and succeed.

Cut hiring time in half—without compromising quality.

Your clients need top talent, fast. AI-powered screening, automated assessments, and pre-vetted shortlists help you place the right candidates in record time.

Cut hiring time in half—without compromising quality.

Let’s get your next hire right!

—and make sure they bring a whole lot more than just skills and experience to the team.

Book your free demo now
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